Thursday, September 9, 2010

My new plan of action!

So I have decided to consolidate my debt! I'm taking a 20K loan,with about 11K i am paying off my Afr Bank Loan...then my balance left over will be about 9K. With that im paying off my credit card which is about 3K, then I'll have about 5.5K left over. Then I will get 4.5k at the end of September. So here is my new budget:

September 2010

[1] African Bank [PAID]
[2] Credit Card R360 [PAID]
[3] Pay cellphone R140 [PAID]
[4] David R1000 [PAID]

October 2010

[1] Loan R1000
[2] Cellphone R150
[3] Miki R250
[4] Credit Card R250
[5] Kelz Accounts R550
[4] Pay tech fees R1000(will still owe R9.9k)
[5] Get Laptop R1300
Total Income for October=R4500-R4500

November 2010

[1] Loan R1000
[2] Cellphone R150
[3] Pay Credit Card R150
[4] Pay tech fees R3000 (will still owe R6.9k)

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Goals and Finances for September 2010

This month is going to be a true grind!

I have to complete over 8 assignments, write tests and continue working and making that paper, not to mention grinding out on the poker circuit.
In the previous post I posted my goals for the year this month i'm posting my goals for this month.

1] Complete my assignments and pass all tests.
2] keep up win % at work.
3] Don't risk more than I can afford to at the poker table.
4] Buy sister a birthday present.
5] Complete July's financial checklist

July's financial checklist

Bank Loan - R2000
Cape Tech - R2000
Cellphone - R200
Credit Card - R300

Total = R6000-R4500 [+R1500]

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Financial predictions for August 2010

Prediction for August's Debt

Cellphone- R450 (Old contract)
Cellphone- R450 (New contract)
Credit Card-R400
Bank Loan- R1000
Cape Tech- R500
Random Loans- R1000


Grand Total Profit= R6600-R3800 [+R2800]

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Life's A Hu$tle

Prediction for July's Debt

Cellphone-R240 [PAID]
Credit Card-R360 [PAID]
Bank Loan- R1400 [PAID]
Cape Tech- R3000 [PAID]


Grand Total Profit= R5300-R5000 [+R300]

Prediction for August's Debt

Cellphone- R450 (Old contract)
Cellphone- R150 (New contract)
Credit Card-R400
Bank Loan- R2000
Cape Tech- R2000


Grand Total Profit= R7000-R5000 [+R2000]

Things have been going quite smoothly of late, won a bit of money here and there. The good things is that in poker and sports betting i'm up and playing with my head not the heart. The FIFA World Cup just ended well done to Spain for winning it, unlucky Holland there's always next time. South Africa can go back to normal now, at least the world can see we don't have lion 's roaming around in the streets.

It is the middle of the year and I have reached my financial goals so far, but my body and studies have been taking a bit of a toll, my college marks aren't terrible but can be better if I want to finish next year. My body on the other hand is flabby and overweight! So I'm going to set out a few GOALS that I have to achieve by the end of the year!



Friday, July 9, 2010

Debt Getting PAID...

Laptop- R1800 [PAID]
Cellphone- R240 [PAID]
Camera-R300 [PAID]
Bank Loan-R1500 [PAID]
Random Loans-R1500 [PAID]


Saturday, June 26, 2010

Tough month...

Haven't blogged for a while, internet hasnt been working too well..Still waiting to get paid, at work my loss percentage has gone over 33% which is terrible, think im just getting bored. I have got to try to get my mind right before I get fired! It is the round of the last 16 for the World Cup, only one african team left: Ghana. they carry the hope of africa. Anyways will update soon

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Akon-Konvict music

Went to the Akon concert tonight (Sat 5th '10) it was ok, just felt a bit tired and run down before the concert. Otherwise all good!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Things on the up and up again!

Things going smoothly in most aspects of my life again:) At work my loss percentage has gone down to a respectable 26% considering about a week ago it was +-31% by the end of June I hope to get it down to 20% and hopefully show a profit for the month. I'm happy that I paid a few bills this month and i'll pay a few next month, another plus is the tax man owes me R6.5k instead of R5k so that will help a lot!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Financial debt checklist

Credit card PAID-R360
Cellphone PAID-R340
Laptop PAID-R2000
Camera PAID-R300
Bank Loan PAID-R1200
Petrol(used so far)- R350
Movies and popcorn and food/cigarettes-R350

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Got my first pay day!

Got paid i's only 6.5K but the hustle is only growing, bigger, better and daily! Watch me expand to new heights of day at a time! First got to pay debt tomorrow.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Latest statistics

My loss percentage has dropped to 22% according to the latest stats, but have been having a bad run for the last two days my goal is to keep it at or close to the 25% loss rate! At this exact moment it is 25.3% still 4 sessions before the end of the month so until the end of the month I want my percentage to stay around this amount. By the end of next month I want it to drop to 19%. Still waiting to get paid hopefully it will be soon, so I can start rebuilding my life slowly and my roll;) SOCCER WORLD CUP SOON my favourites are Brazil, Italy, Spain and England. I think South Africa will make the quarters!...Lets hope they do!!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Going strong! Staying Positive! Always hustling!

My loss percentage when I started was 53-56% I have as of today brought it down to 28%! Which is well in between the range we are allowed. I am laying in the top 5 out of 30 players! And it seems to be getting better, have finished my first month (officially) last day was on Saturday! Now I wait for my first payment hopefully it will come before the end of the month.
My debt has got a little bigger, only slightly....


Credit card- R300
Cellphone- R300
Camera- R300
Laptop- R2000
Bank Loan-R1500

Total= [R4400]

Grand Total Profit= R6000-R4400

Predictions for June's debt

Laptop- R1800
Cellphone- R240
Credit Card- R360
Bank Loan-R1500
Random Loans-R1500

Total= [R5700]

Grand Total Profit= R6300-R5700

Prediction for July's Debt

Credit Card-R360
Bank Loan- R1400
Cape Tech- R1500


Grand Total Profit= R5200-R3500

PLUS im still owed R6,300 from the tax man!! hopefully that will arrive by the end of June.

VERY IMPORTANT: I started my exams got 4 more left have to at least pass 4/5!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Official 5k Mark!

Yes made 5k so far hopefully by the end of the week it will be 6k! Only get paid on the 1st of June but the work hours must be in by the 15th May (don't know why its like that). Loss percentage is down to 32% it gets better every time I work.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Official 4k Mark!

I made the 4k mark for the month, earlier I posted that I hit the 4k mark but I got paid R600 so now we officially on 4k again! Been playing a lot of poker and have completed a lot of assignments, next up is my exams! Then the first semester is complete!!I have to get the Laptops back, and pay off my loan. Here are my expenses for the end of May

Credit Card: R300
Cellphone: R280
Bank Loan R1500
Laptop: R1920

Total: R4000

Hopefully after June I will be able to start my online grind again, with all the practice I have been getting i'm sure i'm ready

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Hustler Ambition

Been on the grind lately, more than ever. As from today I have earned R4k playing poker for the company. Thats means I played a lot of hours! I think I have done about +- 70 hours! I have almost brought down my lost percentage to the 30 percentile, this still isn't t great but my loss percentage was very high when I started. Love life great at the moment! Went partying last weekend, as it was long weekend! Finished most of my University work, at last! Just got exams coming up soon! Another two weeks then Im done with my first month of work! Pay day is the 28th May 2010

Friday, April 16, 2010

3rd Session

Just got back from my poker prop session. Turned a profit tonight! $53 up and $37 rake. Worked 3 days so far so earned R864 so far! On the grind got another interview on Monday at another poker company, lets see if I can do both;) Hustle time...So tired going to sleep, next session on Sunday morning

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

I got a job, I play poker for a company!

Its a start, not ideal....but will do for now...just got back from a 8 hour shift from tuesday, 23pm-7am which equates to R288. So tired but feel like the hustle is rising up again, watch this space!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Backed into a corner!

Things never worked out, i'm basically a bit fucked! I now have two laptops in the pawn shop, valued at R4000, I can still buy it back, have about a month, or continue to pay the interest! Have to still pay my cellphone bill which is about R200 now. And to make matters worst I still owe about R13000 on my loan. And my credit card has R3000 owing. So im about R20 000 in debt at 24 years old!! The hustle needs to pay off really soon! Have a little job tomorrow that could pay me R200 its nothing but its a start! Haven't been motivated at university, money is over-powering my thoughts but hopefully I comeback strong after this beat down! And my university marks and cash increases! Until next time....

Thursday, April 8, 2010

A 'lil update

I haven't took the biggest risk of my life meaning I haven't pawned the laptop...Im gonna sound like a pussy but i'm scared. Everyone gonna hate me!! Im going to do it though, have no other choice.

Got my Marketing Research exam mark: 38% and Marketing II exam mark 74%

Friday, the day..Im gonna hustle extreme!! wish me Luck!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Danger Zone & Hot Girl

Ok got my first exam result it was for Sales Management = 51% not great but it will 2 other practicals back got 62% and 70% so my year average is 18/30= 60%.

Im in need of cash, my last and only resort is to gamble..I have no money so I have to temporarily have to sell my sisters laptop, bare in mind another laptop, my mothers is in the pawn shop. REMEMBER this is my last resort if I had any other way I would go that route. Have tried to get a job hasn't worked yet. Please lord save me!

Girlfriend and me been fighting lately we are on speaking terms and working it out:)

This month I have to: [1] Pay cellphone bill= R170
[2] Pay credit card= R200
[3] Laptop(interest)= R300

Im scared feel like everything falling apart, I have to get a grip and back in control of my life..
Every true hustler has his bad days and then picks himself up! Will keep you posted...

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Patiently waiting

Went for the job interview yesterday, still waiting for them to call me...My cellphone services been hassling me to pay them! Are the walls caving in? I think not, positivity is the key. Still broke as hell, got to think quick!

1] Need R2k to fix Laptop (which doesn't belong to me)
2] Need R170 for my cellphone bill
3] Need R500 for my studies

Monday, March 29, 2010


The hustle isn't going to great, tried my hand at a little gamble didn't pay off, now i'm back to zero. But I still have my optimism! Applied for quite a few jobs and I have an interview coming up! Hope it goes well, we all have to start somewhere and i guess I have to hustle from the bottom up. Finished my exams, so will post those results soon.

Focused. I'm a hustler. And my hustle is trying to figure out the best ways to do what I like without having to do much else.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

More Bi-Polar,more exams!

Wrote another exam busy studying for the next, i'm running on my reserve tank! Girlfriend still angry with here's what I found out about Bi-polar...MAYBE this is whats been holding me back from life??

During a manic phase, symptoms include:
• heightened sense of self-importance
• exaggerated positive outlook
• significantly decreased need for sleep
• poor appetite and weight loss
• racing speech, flight of ideas, impulsiveness
• ideas that move quickly from one subject to the next
• poor concentration, easy distractibility
• increased activity level
• excessive involvement in pleasurable activities
• poor financial choices, rash spending sprees
• excessive irritability, aggressive behavior

During a depressed phase, symptoms include:
• feelings of sadness or hopelessness
• loss of interest in pleasurable or usual activities
• difficulty sleeping; early-morning awakening
• loss of energy and constant lethargy
• sense of guilt or low self-esteem
• difficulty concentrating
• negative thoughts about the future
• weight gain or weight loss

Monday, March 22, 2010

Can't get no sleep!

Went to bed late, woke up early...felt like my exam went very well! My lady wants to end things with me, she doesn't like my sleeping patterns and moods swings...she and I thinks i'm bi-polar, which is a mood disorder sometimes called manic-depressive illness or manic-depression that characteristically involves cycles of depression and elation or mania. Sometimes the mood switches from high to low and back again are dramatic and rapid, but more often they are gradual and slow, and intervals of normal mood may occur between the high (manic) and low (depressive) phases of the condition. The symptoms of both the depressive and manic cycles may be severe and often lead to impaired functioning. well the hustle starts Tuesday. Grind time!

Sunday, March 21, 2010


Relaxing day today, went for coffee with my lady. Going over work for my exam on Monday 22 March@10am. Played 30 seconds my team real grind starts on tuesday as monday is a public holiday.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Hustle-Coming up

My hustler's ambition:
This is my first blog entry so i'm going to keep it short. Im a Cape Town, South African born 24 year old. I have NO MONEY, and am busy completing a diploma in marketing. Im currently in my second year. Im in a 2 year relationship.
Thats just basically me....

My ambition is to be stinking filthy rich. Im going to constantly be on the grind, the ultimate grid until the 1 January 2012.

My goals are: [1] To have 100,000 in my bank account by the end of the year, and be debt free.
[2] Pass all my Marketing subjects.
[3] Move out the house into my own place.
[4] Work out and build, stamina and hard, ripped muscles.
[5] Put money into a policy.