Sunday, May 16, 2010

Going strong! Staying Positive! Always hustling!

My loss percentage when I started was 53-56% I have as of today brought it down to 28%! Which is well in between the range we are allowed. I am laying in the top 5 out of 30 players! And it seems to be getting better, have finished my first month (officially) last day was on Saturday! Now I wait for my first payment hopefully it will come before the end of the month.
My debt has got a little bigger, only slightly....


Credit card- R300
Cellphone- R300
Camera- R300
Laptop- R2000
Bank Loan-R1500

Total= [R4400]

Grand Total Profit= R6000-R4400

Predictions for June's debt

Laptop- R1800
Cellphone- R240
Credit Card- R360
Bank Loan-R1500
Random Loans-R1500

Total= [R5700]

Grand Total Profit= R6300-R5700

Prediction for July's Debt

Credit Card-R360
Bank Loan- R1400
Cape Tech- R1500


Grand Total Profit= R5200-R3500

PLUS im still owed R6,300 from the tax man!! hopefully that will arrive by the end of June.

VERY IMPORTANT: I started my exams got 4 more left have to at least pass 4/5!