Thursday, May 27, 2010

Financial debt checklist

Credit card PAID-R360
Cellphone PAID-R340
Laptop PAID-R2000
Camera PAID-R300
Bank Loan PAID-R1200
Petrol(used so far)- R350
Movies and popcorn and food/cigarettes-R350

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Got my first pay day!

Got paid i's only 6.5K but the hustle is only growing, bigger, better and daily! Watch me expand to new heights of day at a time! First got to pay debt tomorrow.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Latest statistics

My loss percentage has dropped to 22% according to the latest stats, but have been having a bad run for the last two days my goal is to keep it at or close to the 25% loss rate! At this exact moment it is 25.3% still 4 sessions before the end of the month so until the end of the month I want my percentage to stay around this amount. By the end of next month I want it to drop to 19%. Still waiting to get paid hopefully it will be soon, so I can start rebuilding my life slowly and my roll;) SOCCER WORLD CUP SOON my favourites are Brazil, Italy, Spain and England. I think South Africa will make the quarters!...Lets hope they do!!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Going strong! Staying Positive! Always hustling!

My loss percentage when I started was 53-56% I have as of today brought it down to 28%! Which is well in between the range we are allowed. I am laying in the top 5 out of 30 players! And it seems to be getting better, have finished my first month (officially) last day was on Saturday! Now I wait for my first payment hopefully it will come before the end of the month.
My debt has got a little bigger, only slightly....


Credit card- R300
Cellphone- R300
Camera- R300
Laptop- R2000
Bank Loan-R1500

Total= [R4400]

Grand Total Profit= R6000-R4400

Predictions for June's debt

Laptop- R1800
Cellphone- R240
Credit Card- R360
Bank Loan-R1500
Random Loans-R1500

Total= [R5700]

Grand Total Profit= R6300-R5700

Prediction for July's Debt

Credit Card-R360
Bank Loan- R1400
Cape Tech- R1500


Grand Total Profit= R5200-R3500

PLUS im still owed R6,300 from the tax man!! hopefully that will arrive by the end of June.

VERY IMPORTANT: I started my exams got 4 more left have to at least pass 4/5!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Official 5k Mark!

Yes made 5k so far hopefully by the end of the week it will be 6k! Only get paid on the 1st of June but the work hours must be in by the 15th May (don't know why its like that). Loss percentage is down to 32% it gets better every time I work.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Official 4k Mark!

I made the 4k mark for the month, earlier I posted that I hit the 4k mark but I got paid R600 so now we officially on 4k again! Been playing a lot of poker and have completed a lot of assignments, next up is my exams! Then the first semester is complete!!I have to get the Laptops back, and pay off my loan. Here are my expenses for the end of May

Credit Card: R300
Cellphone: R280
Bank Loan R1500
Laptop: R1920

Total: R4000

Hopefully after June I will be able to start my online grind again, with all the practice I have been getting i'm sure i'm ready