Saturday, June 26, 2010

Tough month...

Haven't blogged for a while, internet hasnt been working too well..Still waiting to get paid, at work my loss percentage has gone over 33% which is terrible, think im just getting bored. I have got to try to get my mind right before I get fired! It is the round of the last 16 for the World Cup, only one african team left: Ghana. they carry the hope of africa. Anyways will update soon

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Akon-Konvict music

Went to the Akon concert tonight (Sat 5th '10) it was ok, just felt a bit tired and run down before the concert. Otherwise all good!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Things on the up and up again!

Things going smoothly in most aspects of my life again:) At work my loss percentage has gone down to a respectable 26% considering about a week ago it was +-31% by the end of June I hope to get it down to 20% and hopefully show a profit for the month. I'm happy that I paid a few bills this month and i'll pay a few next month, another plus is the tax man owes me R6.5k instead of R5k so that will help a lot!